Saturday, February 7, 2009

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Summit County

Started in 1996 Big Brothers Big Sisters spread through Summit County. The agency is founded on the basis of volunteers and donation money. For more than 90 years Big Brothers Big Sisters of America had helped with youth around America. The volunteers serve as mentors to help the youth find potential in themselves. The group helps children between the ages of 7-15 who live in a single parent home. What they do is have mature volunteers spend time with the youth to help teach them how to spend their time in a positive manner.

I chose this site because I already work with youths and that is what I want to base my career on. I think that work with youth is vital to help them make it through life. My goal every year in my career is to help one youth make a change in life. If I can achieve this then I know I had fulfilled what I was set out to do. When I was younger I worked a little with Big Brother Big Sisters and I think their organization is a very good one for youth of America.

It is located on
780 E. Exchange Street
Akron, Ohio 44306

and the information came from

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