Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Self Reflection on BBBS

When it comes to thinking about this organization it makes me happy. I think that we need more opportunities for youth to be involved in a positive way. Since I work in a field that is so depressing on most days and seeing again and again how youth can continue to make mistakes and have set backs its good to know that there is hope out there. I know that as a child it is possible for children to make tons of mistakes as it is part of growing up and getting to know yourself. That is why I chose this organization BB BS. I think that if at all possible children should become involved within this program because it has great benefits in the long run.

Like I've mentioned in my blogs before my goal is to help one child a year improve their lives in a positive way. I think that this organization is very useful and could benefit more than one children on a much broader scale. For the adults that work in the organization it can benefit them as well. Just knowing that someone could change the life of a child just by being their friend is so powerful. I love this group and hope that many other people do to. These are the kinds of groups that we need to see more of. Youth now a days get to caught up in doing the "cool" things like drugs and alcohol and forget that they are still kids. So since I see mostly all these kids it is nice to know that there are still outlets out there to hold on hope to.


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